Welcome to Animating Alzheimer’s, a collaborative project started by scientists at University of Virginia.

We invite you to watch our short film, Animating Alzheimer’s, which describes and visualizes what is currently known about the neural processes associated with this disease. You can also engage with the film’s Companion Guide or visit the FAQs section of the website to learn more.

Alzheimer Disease (AD) is the most common dementia that people face as they grow older. Up to 30% of people over the age of 80 develop AD, making it a fundamental part of the landscape of aging. Many people are affected by AD over their lifetime, whether as a patient, as a caregiver for a loved one, or through their work as a medical professional, scientist or social worker helping to understand AD better and improve treatments.

Animating Alzheimer’s began as a shared project that brought together many different folks in the scientific community at UVA, along with people on the frontlines of treating patients with AD. All are bound by a shared passion for helping those who are most impacted—the patients and their families and caregivers. After watching the film and reading these companion materials, we hope you will have a new understanding of the neural changes associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.